Galleria f.22 – Combos Project
Milano- Brescia – Los Angeles
The COMBOS of Soulé + Toparovsky confirm the fundamental objectives of these two artists. They are aware that painting and sculpture together form a language that transcends the usual boundaries.
As in the public installations that are the beginning of the series of their projects together, the COMBO of S+T reaches to an infinite, one that allows seeing beyond, denying the code to which it belongs in order to open itself to another possibility.
But, COMBOS are distillations– born from the artists seeing their works in large spaces with large themes. These pieces are still motivated by an inner life, certainly well-considered and mysterious, full of references and nostalgia. Now we are dealing here with individual works of art, a new art.
Combos. Series 2.
Combos. Series 1.
Ariel Soulé
Tutti i diritti riservati. Non duplicare o ridistribuire in nessuna forma.
(+39) 348 2653 272